Buccari- Porto Rè/ Bakar-Kraljevica :: Comparisson reports

Tuna fishing

Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

Lo que dice el Arxiduc:

“Behind Sercica Cape is a small bay, Valle piccola di Sercica (“little Sercica Bay”), with a small house and two large stairs for the tonnara (a maze made from nets to capture tuna), belonging to a man called Stanko from Buccari (Bakar) and who controls all the tuna fishing in the bay.”

“The naked slopes of the Gradac shore fall almost vertically to the sea. They were used to install two tonnaras; with tall stairs for each and which the fishermen on watch duty use as a lookout point. There are also small houses around the two tonnaras in which fishermen live and where they store the captured fish. There are many tonnaras in Buccarizza (Bakarac) as it is the centre of all tuna fishing in the bay. All the fish caught is brought here and then sent to Trieste on baragozzi (traditional Adriatic fishing boats). It’s a good business as is demonstrated by the rocks along the shore that are coloured red with the blood of the poor tunas that hit their heads on the rocks when trying to escape.”

A.L.S.: Buccari, Prague 1871

Datos proyecto Nixe III:

We were able to visit the small bay where Mount Gradac drops into the sea. In fact, we tried to spend the night there, but the water’s incredible depth, like the Archduke indicated, kept us from being able to lay anchor in the bay.

When we were leaving the Bay of Bakar, one of the tonnara tuna fishing areas described by the Archduke was off to the left. In the photo you can see Frangipani Castle and a small white house to its left. On the same shore, just in front, is one of the large staircases described by the Archduke used years before to spot banks of tunas in the sea.


Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

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