Nixe III :: The team

The team launching the project consists of JuanRamis( Guillermo Bisbal is in charge all of the technical aspects of our beloved boat Wizard of Ana, and making headway on all sorts of currents. Juan Ramis, PhD in Social Sciences, is responsible for coordinating all previous documentation work, carrying out the comparisons, and updating the content of the website. We are privileged to enjoy the invaluable collaboration of Helga Schwendinger (, also a PhD, who provides various sorts of documents about the different destinations we plan to visit and provides assistance with certain documents that are only available in German.

In different journeys we may have other specialists joining, we could even create a group of boats for any of the destinations. For the first journey to the Lipari Islands we will have Beatriz Buadas( on board taking care of photography and video.

From 2011 we have a new member in pour crew, Jaume Vidal a specialist in environmental studies, plus we have Rafael Sardà a scientisat CEAB(CSICBlanes) who coordinates a research on floating plastic debris that we start on 2011 and that will take place during our sailing trips until 2015.

Associates & Charity



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