Nixe III :: Destinations

Some of the Archduke’s works have already been translated into Spanish: all of the works referring to the Balearic Islands, in particular Baleares; Las Columbretes, thanks to the Castellón City Council; and Las Lípari (Eólicas), thanks to the Association of Friends of the Archduke, a project initially spearheaded by its first president, Juan Estrany Obrador.

For our first voyages, we chose the destinations covered in those translations. In 2010, we hope to visit the following places:

- Lípari Islands

- Minorca

- Columbretes Islands

In the coming years, as we manage to extract information from the Archduke’s German-language works, we plan to visit other destinations in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean, such as the islands of Croatia, Greece (including the Ionian Islands and the Cyclades), Northern Africa, etc.

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