Levkas / Lefkáda :: Comparisson reports

Trip around the island (II)

Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

Lo que dice el Arxiduc:

“The most characteristic thing about this coast and what sailors know best is the island’s western point, Kavos Dukatos, crowned by a lighthouse. Threatening, resembling a dagger, it rises up towards the sea. Depending on the light, from a distance it can look like polished steel, or, alternatively, an enormous rusty red spot along the northern cliffs makes the dagger look as if it were soiled by blood.”

Kavos Dukatos, northwestern part

Kavos Dukatos, south-eastern part

Kavos Dukatos, from the sea

Datos proyecto Nixe III:

Cape Dukatos, today called Cape Levakatas, stands out along the southern coast, concretely the island’s southwestern end. Just as the Archduke did, we see the cape from the east, the south and then the west.








Cape Dukatos serves to close off Vassiliki Bay. It’s a large, deep bay, with a big pebble beach and sandy seabed. It is also one of the least deep areas on Levkada Island.


The port isn’t very deep and has the added disadvantage that the level of sand on the sea bottom varies every year. Entering the port, we can see the church to the left on top of a small hill.




There are some restaurants in the port itself; some have tables right along the edge of the sea. The boardwalk is well-cared for and full of plants and flowers.




The coast is fairly short. Upon leaving Vassiliki, we can already see the southeastern edge of Levkada Island, often confused with the Meganisi Island. Here we can see an image of Vassiliki and another of Syvota from the center of the southern coast.




Syvota Bay is well-protected from the sea thanks to a point which separates it from open water. However, the wind coming from the interior can at times be quite violent when blowing hard through the mountains surrounding the bay. In Syvota, like in other places around the Ionian Sea, we find a multitude of charter boats.




The boardwalk and shops are well-cared for and attractive. We can see quite a few fishing boats moored to Syvota’s wharfs.





Upon leaving Syvota Bay, Atokos Island is right in front with Ithaca and Kefalonia to the right.






Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

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