Archduk :: Majorca :: Beetle´s study

“In 1867, Ludwig Salvator was studying philosophy and law in Prague. He had hoped to travel to Dalmatia at the end of the school year, but the political circumstances made it impossible... This was a project that Ludwig had been planning for a long time. Johann Salvator, his younger brother, was on his way to visit the Emperor. Ludwig asked Johann to request permission on his behalf to travel to the Balearic Islands instead of Dalmatia. His intention was to write a book about the beetles that live on those islands. Ludwig’s request was granted. In late July, accompanied by his tutor, Eugenio Sforza, a field assistant named Pelzet, and a few other servants, Ludwig Salvator arrived in Toulouse on his way to the Balearic Islands.”
Trias Mercant, S., L’Arxiduc Lluís Salvador, una història de vida, Cort, 1994.

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