Nixe III :: Introduction

Archduke Luis Salvador devoted many years to the study of the Mediterranean Sea. He produced more than 60 different works concerning the Mediterranean and even other destinations around the world.

Website description

This website is the main tool that we will use to show a broad research, NIXE III project, based on the works of Archduke Luis Salvador. We have selected 30 books, and destinations, that you will be able to check on the map shown in the initial homepage of the website.

On this map you can check for:

  1. The 30 destinations, the corresponding books, and the front page of the books (Selected destinations & books)
  2. The book summaries that we will,litlleby little, upload (Book summaries). At this moment you will just find summaries for: Eolian Islands, Columbretesand Minorca.
  3. The comparison reports will appear once we have visited with the boat the different destinations (Comparisons reports 100 years)

Furthermore, while we are sailing, you will see a flashing light on the homepage indicating that the realtime blogis on.

The team

The team is formed;; beatriz buadas; guillermo bisbal; JuanRamis, PhD in Social Sciences, is responsible for coordinating all previous documentation work, carrying out the comparisons, and updating the content of the website. We are privileged to enjoy the invaluable collaboration of Helga Schwendinger (, also a PhD, who provides various sorts of documents about the different destinations we plan to visit and provides assistance with certain documents that are only available in German.

From 2011 Jaume Vidal has helped in the natural science area, and Rafa Sardà, CSIC - Cosejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, is helping with the marine research that we have started, especially concerning the floating plastic debris. In 2012 Eva Mestre, Columbretes Islands Techincal Team, joins as a specialist in natural science.


This project has some associated companies, Quelyand Lottusse, that will donate to charity around 12 Euros per nautical mile (to Fesbal and to Intermon Oxfam). The RCNPP (Real Club Náutico del Puerto de Pollensa) is also an associated institution to the project.

By 2015 we would like to publish the conclusions of this research: The Mediterranean 100 years after the death of the archduke.


We would like to thank the Biblioteca March, Palma de Mallorca, the Association of Friends of the Archduke (Mallorca) and EdificioNácar for their help.


In memory of Juan Estrany Obrador

Associates & Charity



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