Islas Lípari / Eólicas


Day 10: Mount Pelato and mount Saint Angelo

22/06/2010 2:30:23

Hi there!!

The weather is still bad. This morning the wind was reaching 30 m.p.h. in the harbour. Today has been devoted to redoing some of the walking tours that the Archduk did. We have climbed to Mount Pelato and then moved to Mount St. Angelo.


Mount Pelato is actually the edge of an ancient volcano; the last who finished to be active around 1.500 years ago. The sorroundings are plenty of pumice and obsidian. Pietro Lo Cascio, who is today with us, tells us that the eruptions with gases produce pumice whereas eruptions without gases produce obsidian.

The Ruocchi Ruossi are precisely formed during an eruption without gas. The reddish colour is due to the proportion of iron that eventually becomes rusty.

To the right of the Ruocchi Ruossi you will have the chance to see that the ancient wall of the volcano is dissapeared. The erosion due to human beings is very powerful; during 100 years pumice from this wall was extracted.

From the other side of Mount Pelato there is an astonishing view fo the south of the island, and of the Island and the crater of Vulcano.

At the top of Mount St. Angelo there is an installation, contructed in the 80’s, that was supposed to gather water, but it never worked. The view from the top is beautiful, Vulcano seems impressive form there. On clear deys it is possible to see also Mount Etna, in Sicily, from there.

Flavia and Pietro Lo Cascio have invited us for diner tonight. Pietro has prepared a typical eolian pasta, and meat with the pinoli that we gathered at Mount St. Angelo. We just had a magnificent night.

Claudio, wonderful seaman, was also at the diner. His advice will be key when the weather allows us to start all the sea tours.

Best and hasta la vista!

Comenta la entrada

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4 comentarios

última en: 22/06/2010 23:05:06

22/06/2010 23:05:06 por Helga

Buenas noches,

esta mañana estuve con Thomas, el periodista de la "Mallorca Zeitung", que nos hizo un reportage de una pagina, y estuvimos comentando (igual como con Wolfgang ayer) de reunir este otoño a los "amantes del Archiduque" que estan repartidos por toda Europa probablemente aqui en Mallorca para poner todas las ideas, sugerencias, preocupaciones, conocimientos .... en una "olla" en vez de cocinar cada uno su sopita. P.f. piensa sobre este projecto en un momento de tranqulidad; la prensa alemana estará presente.

Fin de ma i bona nuit a tots   Helga

22/06/2010 por a seguir en ello!!! GRACIAS

Chicos, a seguir trabajando que de momento lo estáis haciendo perfecto .... yo insisto me falta una foto con esas estrellas en el cielo .... Felicidades y mañana a celebrar esa revetlla aunque sea lejos de casa, que no falte el cava y un beso a Juan por su santo y algún añito de más ...  Felicidades a todos

22/06/2010 por nat

Buenas a toda la tripulación del Wizard, os observo de la lejanía y puede apreciar que no cambiais nada, e incluso en la foto con el paisano puede ver el gran parecido con Guille, vamos que después de este Proyecto habrá muchas conclusiones a sacar. Saludos y confío en que el tiempo os mejore.  

22/06/2010 por Leticia

Hola navegantes,

Os sigo cada día en vuestras aventuras y veo que no estáis nada mal. Disfrutar por lo que estamos currando.

Un beso muy grande.


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