Golfo de Corinto :: Comparisson reports

Kala Nisia

Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

Lo que dice el Arxiduc:

“In front of the rounded Cape Olmiae we find the Kala Nisia Islands ( “Alkyonides Islands” or “Good Islands”), two miles away. We can see them if we approach from this side, with Mounts Helikon and Korumbil in the distance. There are four islands total. On the southern side of Kala Nisi Island, the largest of all, we find Panagiya Monastery not far from the beach at the back of a small bay. The latter is a good place to anchor when there are winds in the gulf.”

[ Kala Nisi=the largest of the Kalas ( Kala Nisia or Kala Nisi) islands]

Datos proyecto Nixe III:

We return to Ayos Yioannis and continue towards the Kala Islands. We know the ruins of an old convent are there, and we can see them as we come closer.




We noticed that the convent has been restored. There are marvelous views from here of the second of the Kala Islands on which we see a house. We can also see the beach below the convent.




Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

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