Golfo de Corinto :: Comparisson reports


Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

Lo que dice el Arxiduc:

“Salona or Amfissa Etea as it was called before when it was the capital of the Ozolian Lacris, has 1,000 homes and 6,500 inhabitants. It’s found at the foot of a hill topped by a fortress and reaches to the west towards a bay where there is a church and to the east along a valley through which a stream comes down, separating the point of the city with the hills further away. The city has a telegraph station and is fairly important commercially.

It also has two olive oil factories, each with its own machine and two presses. The city has suffered a lot due to earthquakes; the last one occurred last year. To the left of the city’s entrance is a military garrison, then some bazaars like the Turks have. Within the two-storey wood stores we often see rugs from Arahova, three hours away from Delphi. The roads aren’t paved, though the sidewalks are. In the town plaza, surrounded by Turkish-style shops, are two plane trees with a fountain in the middle. The fustanella is the dominant item worn, though many men dress in the French style.”

Datos proyecto Nixe III:

Upon reaching the valley, we turn right and, after a few kilometers, we come to Amphissa. The fortress the Archduke portrayed stands out. We take a photo from approximately the same spot. We can tell that the city has grown.




Climbing up towards the fortress, we come to a plaza featuring a beautiful church with a clock in its left tower.




Here we can see an old bar in one of the city’s other plazas. Inside are a lot of older people. We also found some very old houses, like this one which adapted to the contiguous street and on which we can see some interesting construction details.




We can see the fortress from the lower part of the hills as well as its walls once we get to the base.




The views of the city from the fortress are impressive. And, in the distance, we notice the sea of olive trees in the valley.




Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

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