Bizerta :: Comparisson reports

Benzert (1894) > Landscapes > New town > Public garden

Public garden

Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

Lo que dice el Arxiduc:

“A public garden has been built near the centre of the future city. The tallest transplanted palm tree weighed 9 tonnes. The garden is still unfinished and, as such, still not open to the public.

Just next to it is the elegant post office and telegraph building, with its large and practical hall; and a large school for boys and girls which is currently under construction.

The land cost 200,000 francs, but the Tunisian government reserved it to build various public buildings: the civil control building, town hall, gendarmerie, courts, churches and a branch of an Algerian company. All these monuments are like signs indicating the city which will one day emerge in the midst of this large plain.”

Archduke Ludwig Salvator of Austria, Bizerte, J. Rothschild, Paris, 1900 (Prague, 1897)

Datos proyecto Nixe III:

The public garden the Archduke mentionedis now called November 7th Plaza. This is where Town Hall can be found along with several other unique buildings. There are also numerous trees, including palm trees as mentioned by the Archduke.




Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

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