Archduk :: Mediterranean Sea :: Nixe´s sinking

“In mid June (1889), the Archduke boarded the Nixe and set off for the Algerian coast. It would be a tragic voyage. The boat would sink and be lost forever... ‘From the port and bay of Algiers, we could see Cape Caxine, surrounded by dangerous rocks. As we approached the cape, I ordered the captain of the yacht, Rafael Vic, to set a direct course for Algiers... It seemed that the danger had passed, and I went down to my cabin to rest a bit. The reality turned out to be quite different. It all happened very quickly. The boat ran aground. The propeller broke and the boiler was set to explode at any minute. We had no choice... We had to board the lifeboats and abandon the yacht... We were able to save a few objects, but it was impossible to save the boat. Everything was lost.’”
Trias Mercant, S., L’Arxiduc Lluís Salvador, una història de vida, Cort, 1994.

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