Islas Lípari / Eólicas


Italian interview

16/07/2011 20:48:37

Dear all!!

Today we have tried the new engine gear. The result is that the boat goes forward but not in the way it should ... Thus, some further adjustments must be done ...

Yesterday the journalist Bartolino Leone, Eolian Islands on-line journal, took advantage of my extended stay in Lípari in order to do a video interview, in italian, over the NIXEIII Project.

http:// puiol15072011.wmv

Some years ago in the US I asked some anglo-saxon friends whether my accent was mostly american or english. They laughed and said that it was totally spanish. Indeed in the case of this italian interview the situation is probably similar ...

Best wishes!!

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última en: 17/07/2011 9:41:55

17/07/2011 9:41:55 por Claude et Elvire

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