Golfo de Corinto


Crossing Gulf of Corinth and arriving Galaxidi.


At a time we spent all youth listening to that famous "letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians". Teachers know that learning in the abstract, without knowing the concrete reality, is difficult. Well here we are willing to make concrete and reality, after all these years, the Strait of Corinth and the city of Corinth, which will arrive in a few days.

First when we arrived at the entrance of the Gulf of Corinth highlights the great bridge that was built a few years ago. To the left Antirion and to the right Rion.


Once we passed the bridge, on the right bank, we can see a cement factory. On the opposite shore, at a great distance, we can see the city of Lepanto, famous for the great battle that took place in the sixteenth century against the Ottoman Empire. We will visit Lepanto on our way back.


We go Galaxidi and the first thing you notice at the end of the bay is the city of Etea. A little later we see the small bay of Andromaki and in the opposite direction the Parnassos mountain, which today is a great ski resort.


Just before entering Galaxidi Bay stands a small island with a small church in ruins. Turning to Galaxidi there is a small hurdle with a picture of a dolphin on it.


Next we see the northern port of Galaxidi. We enter the southern port and the cathedral looking over the hill town is remarkable. Once we disembarked, we got to the cathedral and take a new look to the northern port.


In the restaurant "Porto Galaxidi" we taste the wonderful Greek food. Good service, in spanish!, and very good food. We tried the grilled octopus, a creamy fish roe and candied fruit dessert.


Tomorrow we will visit the town of Galaxidi.

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