

A little break in our way

29/05/2012 12:55:48

Hi there!

During the last few days we tried to repair the engine of the boat without much success. This fact has obliged us to leave the boat in Tunis for a few weeks. We hope to be back soon in Tunis in order to finish our work, and take the boat back to Mallorca.

Our trip back to Mallorca was also a little adventure. A strike was on their way in Tunis affecting the technical staff of Tunisair... Finally we had to fly with Lufthansa. The moment we entered the plane of Lufthansa we had the impression to totally change from one planet to another.

In the next few days we will keep uploading the few blogs, referring to Tunis and it area, that we have still on hold. We will focus on Tunis, Cartago, La Gouletteand Sidi Bou Saïd.

Best regards!

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